New York City Attacked Again

Dorian Chase, News Co-Editor and Production

On October 31st, the deadliest terror attack in New York since the September 11th attacks occurred. 29-year-old Uzbek immigrant Sayfullo Saipov planned his attack based on ISIS propaganda, and had been planning it for the last year. He chose to attack with his rented Home Depot truck on Halloween because there would be more people on the streets for him to target. Saipov killed 8 people and injured 11 after riding on a bike path in Manhattan. The mayor was quick to declare the deadly event a terrorist attack, and rightfully so, as ISIS took responsibility for it shortly thereafter. Our president, Donald Trump, has stated that the United States military will be hitting the terror organization “10 times harder” than they did before the attack on New York City.

Five of the men killed in the attack were architects or businessmen from Argentina. Four of the men, Hernán Ferruchi, Diego Enrique Angelini, Hernán Diego Mendoza and Ariel Erlij were 48, and the fifth, Alejandro Damián Pagnucco, was 49. They were in New York celebrating their 30th high school graduation anniversary. The men’s bodies were returned to their home city of Rosario. Two of the victims were American citizens, Darren Drake and Nicholas Cleves, each 32 and 23 respectively. The eighth, 31 year old Anne-Laure Decadt was from Belgium.

Saipov was in critical condition following a gunfight with the police, but is still alive and could face the death penalty for his crimes. While in the hospital, he requested an ISIS flag for his room, proud of the carnage he caused.