“Golden Wonder” Salamander Rediscovered

"Golden Wonder" Salamander Rediscovered

Jocelyn Reeder, Feature Editor

After disappearing in 1975, the Jackson climbing salamander was found alive in Guatemala’s Cuchumatanes Mountains. Park guard Ramos Leon-Tomas spotted the salamander in a newly established Reserve. This would be only the third time humans have ever seen one.

The discovery is a part of Global Wildlife Conservation’s campaign to scour the world for 1,200 species that have been “lost” to science. The Jackson salamander was among the 25 most wanted species on the list. Vasquez-Almazan, coordinator of the amphibian conservation program reported, “The discovery gives us hope that we can recover much of the diversity in our forests that we believe has already been lost.”

The Jackson salamander, also known as the “Golden Wonder” has a brilliant yellow hue that gives it it’s name. Scientists do not know anything about this creature. The group of salamanders which Jackson salamanders belong to, all have suckers on their legs, which allow them to climb tree trunks in the forest canopy.

Kolby, a National Geographic grantee and the director of the Hondouras Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Center stated, “Despite the global conservation challenge, I remain hopeful that many species of amphibians already at the brink of extinction are still within our grasps to save.”

Source: National Geographic