Woman Flips Off Trump, Gets Fired

Rhea Rohr, Editor-in-Chief

Juli Briskman, 50, was riding home on a bike, and happened to ride next to Donald Trump’s motorcade. As a form of protest, she flipped off Trump, and a picture was captured by a White House photographer. The photo immediately went viral, and was picked up by numerous news sites and talk shows. Briskman, amused by the situation, posted the picture as her profile picture for Twitter and Facebook. When her company, Akima LLC, found out, they fired her, claiming she had violated company policy by connecting them with the obscene picture. As a government contractor, they claimed she was unprofessional. She was furious about this, as a fellow colleague, with the company picture as his Facebook cover photo, kept his job after calling someone a “f***ing libtard a**hole.” Akima simply requested he delete the post, and he was allowed to carry on with his day.

Though she was fired, Briskman will have no shortage of job opportunities after her fifteen minutes of fame. She has been interviewed on several talk shows, and the hashtag #Her2020 was trending on Twitter. She may have gotten fired, but this will certainly be a story to tell her two kids.

Source: Huffington Post