Tyler Petri, Drama Club President
October 26, 2017
Have you ever wondered what goes on in that tight-knit group of drama kids? I sat down with senior Tyler Petri and asked him all about it. Tyler is the drama club president, publicist, and the second-in-command in the regular drama class. As the president, he is in charge of planning meetings and running social media, but other than that, he and the other members are equal. The other officers include Abby Woods (vice president and secretary), Andrew Larson (technology director and treasurer), Jasmine Woodard (historian and mascot), and Brett Johnson (production director). In drama club, they work on aspects of acting, including improve, technology, and character development onstage. At the moment, they aren’t planning any plays, but they might put on an improv show at the end of the year. Tyler describes his role as president as “nerve-wracking,” but he’s found it to be an incredibly fun experience.
In drama club, there are four different houses that are run by officers, similar to Hogwarts in Harry Potter. Each house can collect and lose points based on certain challenges that they participate in. One of Tyler’s favorite memories from the club was one of the games they played the previous year. Each team stood in different corners of the room, and they were given three sheets of paper. The goal was to get each member to the stage without stepping on anything but the paper. Tyler described it as chaotic, but a great “team bonding” experience. He was also sure to include that his house won.
Anyone is free to join drama club. They meet roughly twice a month in the drama room, and the next meeting is November 6th right after school for about an hour and a half.
“Drama is a really great place for people to let go,” Tyler said. “It may start out as a class, but it turns into a second home.”