5 Bizarre Ways To Die

Jocelyn Reeder, Feature Editor

As scary as it sounds, we all will die eventually. Some people die of natural causes, like old age, diseases, natural disasters, and accidents. Have you ever wondered about the most obscure ways people have died? Well, look no further.

#1: Death by Deodorant:

In 1988, a 16-year- old boy from Germany in England passed away from a heart attack after being exposed to many different deodorant fumes. According to BBC News,  the boy was obsessed with personal hygiene and being fresh. He would spray his body with deodorant at least two times a day.

#2: Death by The Hollywood Sign:

Peg Entwistle, a young actress from Wales, was shooting a part for the film “Thirteen Women” when she tragically took her own life. She was climbing up the Hollywood Sign for her final act and left her belongings with a suicide note at the bottom of the sign. She jumped off the top of the letter “H.” In a ironic twist, her uncle received a letter for her to star in a film about a girl on the verge of suicide.

#3: Death by a Junk Pile:

Langley and Homer Collyer moved to New York in 1909 when they were in their twenties. Over the years, they began to hoard items. There were about 180 tons of  “junk” in the apartment they were living in. Busted chandeliers, broken baby carriages, cracked clocks, and much more. Langley tripped over a booby- trap set up to keep intruders out and was buried under their own junk.

#4: Death by a Beard:

An Austrialian man from the mid-1500s, Hans Steininger’s beard was 4.5 feet long. He would keep his beard rolled up in a leather pouch. He failed to do so one day in 1567. A fire broke out on that day and he tripped over his beard while trying to evacuate.

#5: Death by a mattress:

Around September 2016, Sidney Gonzalez, 20, was pinning a king size mattress to the top of the van with the weight of her body. The car started moving and unfortunately she and the mattress slipped off the vehicle. One of them did not bounce back. It was later found out that the driver was unlicensed.

Source: howstuffworks.com