Cougars Visit the U of A

Avery Miller, Cougart Co-Editor, Community Building Co-Editor

Is college life more like an all-day frat party or hours upon hours of sitting in lectures halls and the library? Sophomores taking AP World History were given the opportunity to visit the University of Arizona and sit in for a few lectures on Monday and Tuesday, the 9th and the 10th of October. They actually got to choose from a variety of classes, all relating to what they were learning about inside the advanced placement class. You’d be surprised at some of the selections.  They could choose from: Life After Death, Rap and God, Intro into Buddhism, Intro into Christianity, and other cool-sounding classes.

Joaquin Cota and Alex Thwaits, sophomores, went down to get an exclusive look on how college life really is. “It was like we were really students; we had to find our way around the campus and we did get lost…” Alex stated. “When we showed up to the lecture late, we were called out in front of all the other students,” Joaquin added. They went to the lecture about Buddhism. They learned more in depth about the strange religion of Buddhism and when it was started.   Overall, these students enjoyed their day on campus. They were even able to hang out, and they got Starbucks while exploring.

Another sophomore, Winta Tekle, went to the lecture discussing Rap and God and she stated, “Even though it was very weird, I greatly enjoyed it. We talked about how rap has impacted black lives and urban culture.” She also got lost on her way to the class. “The campus is so huge and covers so much ground that it’s hard to find anything.”

The AP World History students definitely took advantage of the great opportunity to experience real college life.