Debating On A Club? Perfect For The Debate Team!

Samarah Peters, Freshman Liason

There are only three Speech and Debate teams in all of Tucson, and only one in TUSD – Sahuaro’s Speech and Debate Team, led by Mrs. Hughes and Mr. Robinson.  That’s a big deal. Being on the debate team is extremely helpful for people who are working on the fine art of talking in front of people. It can also help with their writing skills, as you write speeches and go to other schools to recite them in front of the other teams. The first tournament is November 10 and 11.  The team must travel to Phoenix to compete, since that is where all the other teams basically are.

Members debate with partners, and each month, they decide on a certain topic to talk about and give their opinions on. One month, they talked about whether or not the U.S. should get stricter gun laws; the debates do not need to be about Tucson or even the U.S. in general, they just choose something that everyone is up to talking about. The club meets every Monday and Wednesday after school for two hours, so if you want to join them, see Mrs. Hughes for more info!