Cougar Care Night

Laura Mejia, Sports Editor

The annual Cougar Care Night was held on Monday night and it was a success… for the most part. The game this year was dedicated to spreading awareness about sexual assault. Despite the fact that we lost the game in the first three sets, overall the turnout was great and we raised some money for the cause.

As soon as you received your ticket to enter the game you were also given a blue ribbon to show your support for the cause. All of the proceeds from the snack bar went to supporting the cause as well. Throughout all three of the games there was a table set up with pamphlets and papers full of information on how to help people who’ve been through sexual assault, the rights you have if you have become a victim, etc. Before the Varsity game started head coach, Adam Shingler, gave a speech talking about how this awful deed is real, it’s out there and to be careful because it could happen to anyone. After he spoke, a sexual assault advocate also gave a speech about the statistics of the people that have been sexually assaulted saying “1 in 6 women and 1 in 16 men have been sexually assaulted.”

Overall this night wasn’t about the loss, it was about raising awareness as well as some money for the cause. The national sexual assault hotline is 1-800-656-4673.