Meet The New Career Counselor: Mrs. Smith

Connor Fries, News Editor

What are you going to do after high school? Whether you have a plan or not, be sure to head on down to the counselor’s office and see Sahauro’s new college and career counselor, Mrs. Smith.

I recently sat down with Mrs. Smith and asked her a few questions about herself so that Sahauro could finally know her. Mrs. Smith, for one, absolutely loves Sahuaro. Her oldest son graduated from Sahuaro last year, and her daughter is currently a freshman. Mrs. Smith has been a Sahuaro parent for a while now, so her interest in Sahuaro has always been present. When an opportunity to work at Sahuaro popped up, she jumped on it.

Mrs. Smith wasn’t always a career counselor; she was actually a fifth grade teacher at Ford Elementary. She taught for 10 years before deciding it was time for a career change. Throughout her teaching career, Mrs. Smith has been attending school. She’s attended the U of A, ASU, and is now returning to NAU for her doctorate. So, Mrs. Smith knows the college route extremely well.

Mrs. Smith urges students to come in and talk to her about their plans for after high school. She strives to make sure that all seniors will be comfortable with their plans for after high school. She also added that it’s never too early to start the college process, and encourages underclassmen to seek her help as well. Mrs. Smith stated that if students wish to have certain events occur at Sahuaro, such as honors night, or even certain colleges visiting the school, she’s always open to suggestions!

Make sure you stop by the counselors office or swing by the career center at lunch or during conference to get started on your plans after high school with Mrs. Smith!