Hepatitis A Outbreak Hits San Diego and Threatens L.A

Jasmine Varelas, Co Editor of Opinion and Arts and Entertainment

Since last November, there have been several outbreaks of Hepatitis A in San Diego California, and since then, the county has given out around 19,000 vaccines. They have put up posters to tell the citizens of San Diego to go get vaccinated, but despite these efforts, 16 people have died and hundreds of people are infected.

You can contract Hepatitis from feces, contaminated food, close contacted with a contaminated person (usually intercourse), dirty needles, or if one were to come in contact with a contaminated person’s blood. Hepatitis affects the liver and can result in death.

This outbreak is the second largest in America since the first outbreak in 2003 in Pennsylvania, which affected hundreds of people. In San Diego’s case, a majority of people affected were homeless and people in contact with the homeless, which is why it is believed that Los Angeles could be hit next. L.A has the biggest population of homeless people in the United States, which has made San Diego officials wonder how L.A. hasn’t been hit yet. They are starting to use some of the techniques San Diego has developed in hopes that they can prevent any more infections. For starters, they are starting to wash the streets with water and spray a liquid that is about 10% bleach. They are also setting up sanitary stations in areas that are populated with large amounts of homeless people. If you are planning on going to California, make sure that you are vaccinated and cautious about what you touch.

Source: LA Times