Gr8 Fun Facts about Mrs. Lawson

Mekayla Phan, Features Editor

  1. My name is Lawson, NOT Larson. There’s no “R”.
  2. I am the youngest of four, and the only girl.
  3. My four children graduated from Sahuaro (2002, 2004, 2011, and 2013).
  4. It bothers me when someone’s tag is sticking out of his/her shirt.
  5. I wear flip-flops so often that it’s hard to wear shoes. My feet start to hurt fast.
  6. I love to sing and break into song when certain words/titles triggers it.
  7. I have a pen fetish.
  8. If I could have anyone as my teacher, it would be Roger Williams. He would have made every class entertaining. (Really?  He was a British Protestant Theologian from the 1600’s – we’d so much rather have you!)