Mandy Worrell: Future Sailor

Connor Fries, News Editor

What do you plan to do after high school? Normally the answer would just be “college”, but Sahuaro Senior Mandy Worrell has other plans in mind. She has already enlisted in the United States Navy through the delayed entry program, and is set to ship out on June 13, 2018.

Mandy comes from a military family, which has heavily influenced her decision to join the Navy. Mandy stated that she made a promise to her ailing grandmother that she would talk to a recruiter; she kept her promise and joined the Navy’s delayed entry program (DEP). DEP is a way to get a head start on a naval career, and many high school students take advantage of this. When joining DEP, you receive essential training that prepares you for boot camp. Since Mandy has already enrolled, she will have a higher rank and pay grade in boot camp, unlike other recruits that have not joined the delayed entry program.

Mandy’s reasons for wanting to join the Navy were not just her family. She wanted to do something new and adventurous, and with the Navy, Mandy can travel the world and experience new exciting places, people, and culture. Most importantly, she can attend college for free.

Though college and traveling at no expense is enough for most people, that is not the only thing that Mandy is looking forward to. She is thrilled about her job as a Aviation Maintenance Administrationman. In this position, Mandy will learn naval electronics and will take part in things such as inspections and final checks on planes before they leave the aircraft carrier. She will be doing this for eight years, all while attending college for free and serving our country.

Mandy encourages people to join the Navy. “It’s the best branch of the military and has many available jobs for everyone.” For more information about joining the navy, click here.