Everyday Super Heroes Rescue Hurricane Harvey Victims

Deartis Mason, Sports Recorder

Hurricane Harvey has been a terrible plague to Houston, Texas but many citizens are deciding to come together and rebuild their community.

When Hurricane Harvey first hit, three brave brothers decided to go out and help others in need. They had boats, but knew that would not be enough. So, Brad and his brothers went on Craigslist and quickly found a 5 ton truck for 13,000 dollars. The truck was airbrushed with skulls and the brothers called it “The Punisher.” The truck weighed a total of 21,550 lbs. and was great in was good against the water.

A Houston police officer told the brothers that the police station had boats, but the brothers disagreed and said “…what we need is high water trucks.” A couple days later, they began their quest, saving the stranded citizens of Houston. Unfortunately, by that time, five people had already died due to the flooding.

Some citizens of Hurricane Harvey got stuck inside of a bakery for two days, but decided to use this to their advantage. From Saturday to Monday, they made thousands of loaves of bread for the people of Houston with the 25,000 lbs. of flour left in the bakery. On that Monday afternoon, they were finally freed from their multi-grain cage and started giving out the bread to all of the victims that were left without food. They bagged and boxed the bread and delivered it to all the shelters that they could go to. The local people lined up around the bakery to support those that were trapped.

Source: PBS News Hour