First Home Girls Volleyball Game Sets The Bar High

Laura Mejia, Sports Editor

There was more spirit than ever this time around for the girls first home volleyball game this year. The game was highly publicized and the crowd showed up to cheer the girls on. The Cougar Cage was very successful and our girls came out with the win. 

It was an easy sweep this time around against Walden Grove. Our girls won the first three sets, blowing away the competition. The starters for the first set of the game were Hallie Davis, Abi Nash, Madi Nash, Kasey Purry, Alanna Burke, and Haylie Pense. The starters for the second set were Natalie Hernandez, Alaysha Grissette, Ashley Schlegel, Abi Nash, Madi Nash, and Bailey Ridgway. And the starters for the third and last set of night were Autumn Fatovich, Madi nash, Shayla McCraney, Abi Nash, and Hallie Davis. We had some amazing plays and hits and overall our volleyball team executed really well. This game set the tone of this upcoming season and by the looks of it we are going to have ourselves a pretty great season.