Freshmen React to First Hall March

Ms. Engel Leads The Band

Avery Miller, Cougart Co-editor, Community building Co-editor

Storming the halls with sound – the first hall march kicks off the sports season with a wave of noise and excitement. What better way to kick off the start of a new season than with a hall march? The marching band and the cheerleaders flooded the hallway with school spirit.

Sammi Peterson Pounds Down the Hall

Every year the students wait excitedly for the day where you dress up in scarlet red and navy blue, and wait anxiously for the game that night. Right after the first bell rings, you hear the band getting closer until they open the door and charge through the halls. The hall march is the talk of first period; students line the walls cheering alongside the marching band and cheerleaders. It is definitely something you will remember when high school is all said and done. But what do the freshman think when they first experience the Hall March for the first time? 

In middle school students don’t have hall marches, so it was a surprise when they were sitting in their first period, like any other day, when the march started to occur.

Anthony Hogan, Freshman, who had no idea that the march was going to happen, describes it as “Loud and Cheerful.” He states it made him feel pumped up for the game.

Sofia Parker, Freshman, is a Clarinet in the marching band. She expressed that she “Wasn’t nervous because she had been practicing for a month with the band. ”

Izbella Martinez, Freshman, stated, “Even though I didn’t get to go into the hall to watch the hall march it was exciting and very loud.” 

These freshmen seemed surprised and full of school spirit the day of the game. They enjoyed the fun show that the pep squad put on for the student body, just like the rest of their peers. They seem to be fitting right in with the school spirit here at Sahuaro High School.