The 4-1-1 on Link Crew

Dorian Chase, News Co-Editor and Production

Freshmen at Sahuaro, are you nervous about starting in this new school? Do you want to know if people dress up for our Homecoming dance? Are you worried about assignments or getting to your classes on time? Have a question about the school in general? Well now there is an answer. This year, Isabel Brown, secretary of Student Council and our very own Ms. Depugh, StuCo sponsor, have recognized just how difficult it is to be an incoming freshman, and they have come up with a solution.

If you spot a person with a bright neon green identifier (see photo) sticking off their backpack, they are willing to answer any questions you may have. They have volunteered to be part of Link Crew, a student link between upper and lower classmen. Ms. Depugh has high hopes that this will bridge the gap between upper and lower classmen, as well as create some “…really great, long-lasting friendships.” All students who are part of the Link Crew have also had to integrate into this new school experience, and are happy to help, whether it’s answering a question or just being someone to talk to.