Sahuaro’s Own YouTube Star: David Valencia

Jasmine Varelas

David Valencia aka PapoDavey is Sahuaro’s very own YouTuber. Valenica is a junior who has 529 YouTube subscribers, getting about 100-1,100 views on each video. It takes him about 2 hours to edit just one video. Valencia said he started watching vlogs from YouTubers like David Dobrik and it occurred to him that his life was interesting as well so why not vlog it?  He started vlogging just for fun but “it’s a job now”. PapoDavey gets paid about $100 a month because of these videos.  One of David’s recent videos got up to 1,200 views – it was a vlog about the first day of school. He said even teachers come up to him and give him ideas about videos. Like his history teacher gave him an idea to vlog the first girls volleyball game and he ended up getting 431 views in 5 days. After high school if PapoDavey  gets big he would like to move to Los Angeles. David Valencia would like to thank Nash Muntadher Mohammed, Joey Hoagland, Jesus Guerrero, Malia Carpenter and Sebastian Olivas for supporting him and being there since day one.