London Police Search for the ‘Putney Bridge Pusher’

Dorian Chase, Contributor

London Metropolitan police have arrested a jogger charged with pushing a woman in front of a bus. On the morning of May 5th, a 33 year old woman, who is currently unnamed was walking along London’s Putney Bridge, when suddenly a jogger going in the opposite direction went out of his way to push her into the path of an oncoming bus. Due to the swift reactions of the bus driver, the woman did not receive any serious injuries. Around fifteen minutes later the man returned, jogging in the opposite direction, but did not even acknowledge the woman, despite her attempts to engage him. It took until Thursday, August 10th, two days after CCTV footage containing the crime was released by the authorities, for the London Metropolitan Police to find the man believed to be the jogger in the video. The man in custody is named Eric Bellquist, a 41 year old American Banker, from San Diego California. Even though he was thought to be the criminal in the video, he claims he was in the United States at the time. He was released, but there will be further inquiries into Bellquist’s true whereabouts at the time. The American banker has stated he had “irrefutable proof” that he was not in London at the time.

As of August 14th, Eric Bellquist has been cleared of any crimes pertaining to the woman pushed in front of a bus on the Putney Bridge after his alibi was checked out. Bellquist was “very upset” at being wrongfully arrested and accused of the crime. He has been very distressed, and even had to hire a bodyguard following death threats after he was released by the police. But he was not the only one wrongfully arrested for this crime. Shortly after releasing Bellquist on Saturday, August 12th, another 41 year old man was arrested for the crime, but was shortly thereafter released. London police are still searching for the man, dubbed the ‘Putney Bridge Pusher’, and are looking for any information related to the terrible crime, especially for witnesses who may have valuable information.

Source: Huffington Post; BBC; CNN; New York Daily News; The Sun; Daily Mail