Mr. McCane McLeaving

Giselle Enriquez, Editor-In-Chief

After one year at Sahuaro, Mr. McCane will be leaving us to begin a new endeavor at University High School. The beloved AP Government and World History teacher will be teaching AP World History and AP Government at UHS. “The primary purpose of me leaving is that I see an opportunity that is very good for me at this stage in my career,” said Mr. McCane, “As much as I love Sahuaro, this is a great opportunity for me that I felt I had to take.”

Mr. McCane is known for his positive spirit and how it shines while he is teaching. His liveliness and attention to his students is not like any other. He will notice if a student walks in looking a little extra happy or a little extra sad, he will pay close attention to see if his students are grasping the subject or not, and he will deliver each lesson to the best of his ability. “I like teaching because of the fact that I’m able to develop students,” said Mr. McCane regarding his love for teaching. “I teach with the idea that I’m able to help students not only in the classroom but in life.” His students admire his energy and optimism. “My favorite thing about Mr. McCane is that he really understands the true work load of a high school student, and doesn’t put more on our plate than we can handle. But at the same time, I still learned so much about government and I felt very comfortable expressing my opinion in my classroom without fear of judgment,” stated Jasmine Kovach, an AP Government student.

Mr. McCane holds Sahuaro with warm regards as he was able to develop strong bonds with the faculty and students. “One of my highlights at Sahuaro was my AP Classes. The relationships I was able to guild with the seniors and just watching them go off and graduate talking about life and what they’re going to do was special.” Although Mr. McCane is saddened to leave his colleagues, he is looking forward to the relationships he will be building at UHS.

I’ve been able to get to know Mr. McCane as my AP Government teacher and as the Political-Science Club Advisor. Mr. McCane is a great teacher but even more so, a fantastic human being. Every day I walked into class, he awaited his students with a smile and a greeting. Although his room was ridiculously cold thanks to the not one, but two AC’s, I can honestly say that Mr. McCane is the most uplifting teacher I’ve ever had.

Mr. McCane’s final words were, “Go Cougars! The animal cougar will always be better than a penguin.” Sahuaro will miss you greatly Mr. McCane.