The 4-1-1 on Cheer Tryouts

Samantha Valdez, Reporter

From May 16th through the 19th, Cheer tryouts held by Coach Kayla will take place after school. Have you ever wondered what does it take to be cheerleader? For those girls who are planning on trying out, here is the guide book for what Coach Kayla is looking for in the next cheerleaders.

Coach Kayla states, “I am looking for someone that is committed to learning new things, who wants to work hard, that has a positive attitude even when things get tough, and who leads the school on and off the field.” A cheerleader is someone who is positive, has good sportsmanship, and is a good role model for the school, along with the people around them. “Cheer leading is more than a sport, it’s an attitude!”

A lot of people seem to ask this question, “Do I need to have a background of some sort in gymnastics?” Mainly because of the flexibility that is need to perform certain activities. For the tryouts at Sahuaro, a background is needed. “Yes we are looking for gymnastics skills this year.” She is also looking for Tumblers. “However if you are in the beginning stages of tumbling and committed to working hard, you can succeed. Again show that you are committed to learning new things, and brush up on your other skills. This will help!”

Last year the team consisted of 25 cheerleaders, and 5 seniors are leaving. “My hope for the 2017-2018 school year is to have a Junior Varsity squad which would hold about 20 or less cheerleaders. Our Varsity squad will hold around 18-20 this year.” Coach Kayla advised that even though space is limited, come and try because you never know. “My advice for anyone that is even considering trying out is to do just that – come and try! You never know what you are capable of until you do it, even if you only know a few things. Make sure to brush up on your skills, drink lots of water, and begin to stretch as flexibility is very important! I encourage you to talk with girls that have been on the team before, or find me around campus. Come with a smile and be positive. I look forward to meeting you!”