Gr8 Fun Facts about Mr. Goitia

Mr. Goitia with family.

Mekayla Phan, Features Editor

  1. I have been in the Air National Guard for 26 years.
  2. I was on the news show, 20/20.
  3. For most of my teaching career, I taught P.E at Wakefield M.S.
  4. I have two princesses – Izzy in kindergarten and Sawyer in 1st grade.
  5. My family and I love to camp, fish, scuba dive, and vacation in Mexico.
  6. Machaca, my dog, loves to body-surf.
  7. I love raw pineapple, but despise it when cooked.
  8. If I could have anyone as my teacher, I would choose Aristotle… because I could sit around in a toga all day at school.