English vs. Math At Last School Assembly

Samantha Valdez, Reporter

At first, few students were aware of the chaos that was about to go down. Both English and Math departments faced down against each other at the last school assembly, singing a 90’s song of their choice. But as soon as the English department started Will Smith’s “The Fresh Prince of Bell Air”, the crowd immediately sang along. The performers for the English department were Ms. Watters (rapping), Ms. Lange (acted out the part of The Fresh Prince), Mrs. Hughes (who did a choreographed dance with Lange), and Mr. Hislope (the one who was up to no good, starting to make trouble in the neighborhood), and Lawson, Bouchard, Martinez, and Dennis helping out.

Then came the Math department, performing, “I Want It That Way” by The Backstreet Boys. Math representatives were Mr. Christian, Mrs. Stedman, Mr. Wells, Mr. Van Gelder, and Mr. Colingwood. That was definitely when the crowd joined in.  There wasn’t a single soul out there that wasn’t singing along.

Before the assembly, the departments both traded a couple of fun intimidations. Mr. Wells was very hyped and warned the English department, “Don’t bring it unless you can sing it!” But he wasn’t the only one with a catchy phrase. Mrs. Hughes replied with, “It’s all about who the crowd loves more.”  Science judged who was better, but since Van Gelder, Wells, and Christian all sing in a band, the competition was rigged to begin with.  Math won, but English retaliated by posting an online poll and cheating to get more votes. Both departments were great sports and highly entertaining. Hislope let his inner “thug” shine and took Lange down.  The 90’s throwback brought back fun memories.