Mrs. Dwyer Kept Positive Attitude Through Breast Cancer

Samantha Crowson, Reporter

For most people, when it comes to cancer, it could be devastating. What do I do? What if I die? Those are valid questions, but for Mrs. Cyndi Dwyer (special education program administer), her first thought was “I knew it”.   Mrs. Dwyer said, “In my head I always knew I was going to get cancer; I don’t know why, but I just knew”. She was first diagnosed with breast cancer  in October of 2013 in its early stage,  thanks to having annual mammograms.   Thankfully when you catch it that early, you don’t need chemo which was a relief for Dwyer- “I Didn’t want to lose my hair…”

“The process was slow moving,” she recalled, “from finding out to surgery, all I could think about was Get It Out!!” Just a few days before her surgery, Dwyer got together with all of her close friends and family at this dinner/bar where everyone toasted the end of her current breasts. The day of surgery she got a purple surgical  gown with little holes all over it.  They drew with a special pen all over her chest. She joked about the gown, while she was there keeping it “Light”.  “I still wish it didn’t happen,” she said.   Since she caught it early with no side effects, she is currently taking medication to prevent it from happening again.  Her advice to other people with cancer,  is “Keep going, don’t let yourself get down.  Carry on and don’t be afraid to ask for help.”