Senior Q & A With Morgan Nash

Lily Merritt, Opinion Editor

Morgan Nash is a senior here at Sahuaro. She is a four-year varsity volleyball player and takes after her dad, our beloved science teacher Mr. Nash, as an avid lover of all things biology. Morgan will only be in Tucson a few more months before heading out to Missouri to attend the Southern State University on a scholarship where she can further pursue her passions for volleyball.

Q: What has been your best memory at Sahuaro?

A: Playing volleyball for school. My favorite game was beating Ironwood Ridge junior year!

Q: Name one of your favorite teachers at Sahuaro, and why?

A: Mrs. Mooney, because she’s so kind and a great teacher. Science is my favorite subject, so I love learning about psychology and how the brain works.

Q: What are your plans after high school?

A: I am playing volleyball for Missouri Southern State University on a scholarship, where I will be studying pre-med biology. I want to become an anesthesiologist.

Q: What are three fun facts about you?

A: I have 3 pet snakes, I’ve had them since I was in sixth or seventh grade. My dad teaches biology at Sahuaro. Everyone loves him and it’s fun to pop into his room sometimes and say hi! Also, I have been playing volleyball since I was 10.

Q: What’s your motto in life?

A: Live as the best version of myself I can be.

Q: Name some of your idols/icons?

A: My grandpa, because he was so selfless and cared so much about other people and did everything he could to help anyone. Also, my best friend, because she has been through so much and she is so strong and is still able to see life in a positive light.

Q: If you could go back and change one thing about your high school career, what would it be?

A: Getting to know more people my freshman year.

Q: Give your freshman-self advice in ten words or less

A: Always participate in everything!

Q: Where do you see yourself in 15 years?

A: Graduating college and getting my dream job at a hospital.

Q: What do you feel has been/will be your legacy left here at Sahuaro?

A: I was apart of the semi-finals for volleyball for the first time in 25 years!