Nathan Hubble, Gone but Never Forgotten

Autumn Fatovich, News Editor

February 4th, 2017, a date that will never be forgotten. My friends sent out news was that our dear friend, family member, band member, and soccer player had past away.

Anyone who’s met Nathan knows, you felt as if you had known him for months, even if it was for only a few minutes. He just had that spark in his eyes that would make you feel like you had a true friend right by your side. Nathan Luke Hubble was a senior at Tanque Verde High School. Hubble was a positive, bright and shining kid, willing to make any bad situation or feeling crumble at his presence. He was a true leader, whether it was on the field or in life. Hubble was always there to help out a friend, or anyone for that matter; it didn’t matter if someone needed advice, someone to talk to in hard situations, or even picking up their shifts at work.

Nathan had a certain sense of style: he wore bright-colored clothing and was passionate about and spending over $600 on a brand of underwear called Ethika. He definitely cared about his clothes. Noah Jensen remembers two specific incidents: “On his way to the pizza table, I saw him dart over, and as he was running, I heard a super loud tear. I’m sure you can determine what happened next.” Hubble’s pants had ripped.  “I can also remember when we went fishing with another friend, and Nathan had caught a catfish. He was so reluctant to touch the catfish because he didn’t want his clothes to get dirty,” said Noah, in remembrance of his best friend. 

Nathan’s humor is something that will never be forgotten. He was always cracking jokes, whether it was appropriate or not. He never missed an opportunity to roast and mess with someone either. Hubble had everyone smiling and laughing through the duration of his entire life.

“We took a 50-mile canoe trip down the Colorado River together and had stopped on the side and found kind of like a beachey area to stop for lunch. We all lined up for sandwiches and I unfortunately got in line last. When I got to the front of the line to get food there was no cheese left, because yours truly was the one in front of me, to graciously take the last piece of cheese. From that point on I made sure I ate all of his snacks in his house every time I came over for the next seven years. For some reason I was so mad that he wouldn’t share it with me that we ended up going in different boats for the rest of the day,” This is just one of many fond memories of Nathan from one of his best friends, Jacob Pucket.

Nathan, you are so dearly missed by many. The stories people have of you will never be forgotten. You have impacted and touched the lives of many. And as his Instagram Bio reads: “taller than your dad” will always remind us of you.  Our hearts go out to the Hubble family, everyone at Tanque Verde High School, and all of his friends. Gone, but never forgotten. 02/04/2017