Get Involved: Run for Student Council 2017-18

Samantha Crowson, Reporter

Sahuaro has countless clubs: Latinos Unidos, Art Club, Poli-Sci, and of course, our school newspaper The Paper Cut.  However, if you really want to be involved in campus life and make a difference, then Student Council is your best bet. Student Council (StuCo) is a class run by students, and sponsored by Ms. DePugh, providing leadership experience, promoting school pride and involvement in Sahuaro,  and helping make the school better by contributions made by students and organizations. A Student Council informational meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 14th during conference in Room 232.

The following are positions in Executive and Class Offices that are available to run for. The main difference between running for these positions are that all executive positions serve the entire student body, while the class officers serve their specific class.

President- Represents the school. Student Body President is representing the entire school, and class president is the leader of their class.

Vice President (VP)- Vice President is second in office. They are in charge in the absence of the President.

Recording Secretary- Are in charge of keeping times, and work on publishing approves fundraising info. This position is only offered for student body.

Corresponding Secretary- Maintains calendar of fundraising, etc. This position is only offered for student body.

Treasurer- Keeps record of income and any money use.

Parliamentarian- Looks over all meetings and makes sure everyone is following the class rules. This position is only offered for student body.

Those are just the main jobs. There are also the class officers, which is basically the same thing except there are not as many options.

To run for most of these, specifically President (class president included) or VP, you will need a 3.25 GPA. For the majority of the positions you will need a teacher recommendation and sometimes you will need an administrator recommendation, as well.