Cheer Team Competes at State Level

Samantha Crowson, Reporter

What better way to start off 2017 than a cheer for Sahuaro! On Saturday, January 14th, our school cheer team went to State, earning an 8th place spot. Coach Kayla Bradley, a Sahuaro grad, stated, “I am proud of the girls no matter what place they take, ultimately it’s improvement that matters to me.”

In order to compete at State (much like other state competitions), you have to qualify through an earlier competition, called State Qualifiers which took place in mid November. In Cheer State, the Championships and Qualifiers have different competitions such as: Game Day, All Girl, All Girl Stunt, Partner Stunt, Pom, and Co Ed divisions. Our team competed in the Game Day routine (based off of football).  In this routine, the girls performed our fight song routine, a defense or offense cheer (depending on which they pick for you), and finally a time out cheer.

Senior Ashleigh Walker (kneeling in the front), was performing in both her first and last State cheer competition and she says, “8 is better than we have gotten before and I’m proud of us, especially for already qualifying for State all together. ”

Sophmore Victoria Decker spoke of how she felt a bit nervous. “I was at first but, we had been practicing so hard…”

“Taking 8th place at a state championship, is something they should all be proud of! We can only move up from here!! Go Cougars Cheer!” encouraged Coach Bradley with hope for the future.