Top 2016 World News Stories


Various earthquakes occurred in 2016. Christchurch earthquake in New Zealand on February 14th recorded as a 5.9. Aceh earthquake in Aceh Indonesian island of Sumatra on December 6th recorded as a 6.5. Kuamoto earthquake in Japan on April 14th recorded as a 8.8, there was an aftershock on the 16th. Italy’s earthquake in Central Italy on August 24th recorded as 6.2.


Hurricanes, a devastating natural disaster, happened all around the world. Hurricane Gaston lasted from August 22nd- September 3rd with 956 intensity. Tropical Storm Julia lasted for five days starting on September 14th with 1007 intensity. Tropical Storm Bonnie lasted for nine days starting from May 27th to June 4th with intensity of 1006.

UK Says Cya

On June 23rd the vote was up for the UK to leave the European Union. The vote won 52% to the opposing 48% to leave, causing the Brexit. The terms of withdrawal have not been negotiated and they now are a part of European Economic Community.

Nuclear Bombs

North Korea tested a nuclear bomb on September 9th. This indicated that the country has made nuclear advances in their technology. This is the second testing done this year. They had tested this underground.

El Chapo

El Chapo started his own cartel in 1980. Soon the Sinaloa cartel turned into Mexico’s most powerful and violent cartel, which supplied most of the cocaine, heroin, and marijuana sold in America. El Chapo is famous for escaping one maximum security prison not once, but twice. El Chapo was caught for the third time on January 8th 2016 at about 6:30 am ET, after a deadly shootout, by the Mexican Marines. Five of El Chapo’s cartel members died and only one Marine was injured.





Olympics Scandal (Ryan Lochte)

During the Rio Olympics, swimmer Ryan Lochte and three other swimmers got into some trouble. The swimmers said they were robbed at gunpoint. Ryan said that what got him into this situation was leaving details out. What authorities say happened was that the four swimmers vandalized a store and the security guard just pulled out a gun to keep things under control, and also demanded money for the damages. One of the swimmers had to pay 11,000 dollars before he could leave Rio.

Cuba and America’s Relationship

President Obama ordered full relationships with Cuba and the opening of a new embassy in Havana. President Obama is working hard to pull America and Cuba closer. Although, president-elect Donald Trump states that he wants to not have any relationships with Cuba and that he will undo President Obama’s work.

Mother to Saint Teresa

On September 4, 2016 Pope Francis declared Mother Teresa a Saint. She was a Catholic Nun who was best known for caring and helping out the poor people in India. She was even awarded a Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 for her “global recognition for her unending work and compassion for the poor,” according to CNN news.


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