Mr. Stott, Don’t Stott Believing

Jacob Hernandez, Reporter

Bryant Stott has been a long term sub for the English department all year, however, he also won’t be returning next school year (along with Lawson and Erickson, who will both retire). He chose to teach at Sahuaro because he was already coaching football – last year he was the JV head coach for football. Stott will not be returning because there are no vacancies in the English department. A giant film buff, his favorite memory here at Sahuaro would be watching Midnight in Paris with the juniors because they, “understood everything that was going on.” The thing that he will miss most about Sahuaro is the kids, he hopes that they know he cared.

When asked one thing that most people don’t know about him, Mr. Stott responded with a shocking answer –  he’s written and directed a movie. The movie, called “Duress”, is about a police officer that deals with narcotics and is based on a shocking true story. Under Cover Task Force Agents are faced with the real dangers associated with the treacherous under world of the drug trade along the Arizona Southwest and Mexican border. Based on the undercover experiences of Lou Pimber and the lives of the brave UC Operators, Mr. Stott says he was hired by an undercover narcotics officer to write, co-direct and produce the movie. The officer wanted him to do this short film to tell the story of the dark side of the undercover police officer.

Mr. Stott said it was a very challenging experience, “It would have been easier to be the director, not the co-director, the guy kind of made it hard because it was hard to make his story into a film.” According to Mr. Stott, the film is around 16 minutes long and it took  four days to shoot and weeks to edit. When asked if he is considering making another film he responded, “Oh, absolutely, in fact I am working on one with hopes to film it this summer.” He will be moving to Utah to work on film, “It was something I have always wanted to do.” One big project he plans on working on is a mockumentary (a documentary that takes the form of being serious to make it satire) on the Mormons. Mr. Stott has also made a few commercials for a cousin of his in St. George, Utah to promote tourist attractions in the city because the city was having trouble getting people to visit.