Thespians Put On Annual Winter Showcase

Autumn Fatovich, News Editor

The traditional motivational speech is over. Rossmeissl goes on the main stage, talks to the audience and with the last words, “I hope you enjoy the shows,” it’s show time. This Winter Showcase was put on by the beginning, intermediate, and advanced theatre programs. The December performance at Sahuaro has a tradition that each piece performed is an original from the actors who are showcasing their talent.

The beginning classes all performed original monologues. Being their first time on the stage this year in front of an audience, there were many nervous people around backstage.With encouragement from other experienced theatre kids, the got up on the stage all alone and gave it their all. “I was nervous before I went on and I thought I wouldn’t remember my lines as soon as I got on stage. After it was over it felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders,” said freshman, Ambrah Mcgrath. The monologues consisted of drama, comedy, and mixes of both.

The Intermediate class performed short skits with the theme of Christmas. Many students were relaxed back stage but still some had the beginning show buzz. The students were excited about their funky costumes they were wearing along with their stage makeup. During the show, backstage was hectic because of the constant moving items on and off of the stage. “I believe that the show went smooth and that the audience had a good time watching,” said senior, Austin Stewart, a fellow intermediate actor.

The Advanced class put together a collective piece called 20 in 20. This was a collection that contained 20 shows that were written by them. The shows were comedic and collectively described the theatre department as a whole.  “My favorite performance was probably when the boys did the Mean Girls dance to Jingle Bell Rock,” said a fellow thespian parent. Some advanced students are aides for beginning theatre, so their kids were performing the same night which made them very emotional and proud to be a Troupe 215 member.