Pre-season Track and Field

Nora Thompson, Cougart Editor

When you see Sahuaro’s track team line up for the start of a race, you can see all the hard work and determination basically emanating  off of the athletes. Each person on the team has dedicated their free time, their energy, and their off season to the sport. In fact, a good number of Sahuaro’s prospective track team has already started practicing, despite the fact that the actual season won’t start until February. The athletes meet on the track and in the weight room on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Coach Rutherford, who is currently leading the practices, encourages students to come to the pre-season work-outs even if they aren’t planning on doing track in the spring. “It’s  a great opportunity for kids to first of all get ready for track, and it’s good for kids to do something in the winter if they don’t have a winter sport to do.” All of the winter sports at Sahuaro (except for wrestling) make cuts, and for some that’s not the environment they want to be a part of. “It’s good for anyone who just came off of a fall sport and wants to have slightly less of a commitment, like a little bit of a break,” Coach Rutherford added.

“Track is unique in the way that it is one of those individual sports,” says Rutherford, about the ‘track way of life’ “You can succeed as an individual. ” Rutherford has been coaching track for five years, but only four at Sahuaro.

The practices can range from stadiums to sprinting on the track to lifting weights, depending on the day. The workouts are aimed to get the athletes to strengthen their core, legs, upper body and endurance.

Not all of track is running though- there’s field events like high jump, throwing and pole vault that are practicing too.

If you’re interested in participating in pre-season practices with Coach Rutherford and Coach Veal you should find one or both of them in room 100 (Rutherford) or room 113 (Veal).