Future Freshman Night


Giselle Enriquez, Editor-In-Chief

Future freshman from all our feeder schools joined Sahuaro for an information-packed night. All the clubs, electives, and athletic teams were there to represent the assortment of offerings at the campus. Student Council, The Paper Cut, Yearbook, Girl’s/Boy’s Soccer, Cheer Team, Auto, Baseball, Boys/ Girls Volleyball, and Sports Med were there to show off their curriculum as they lined up on the gym floor, with tables showing off what their organization was all about. “It’s a great opportunity for future freshmen to see the various classes and clubs that they can become involved in when they come to Sahuaro,” said STUCO advisor/ AP teacher, Ms. Depugh. “I like to see the enthusiasm of the future students as they find out what’s offered.”

“It was enlightening to watch future generations of Sahuaro Cougars come through and open their eyes to the world of high school and all that they could achieve. I’m honored and humbled to have taken place at the event and see all the freshman and the light of the future and energy fluttering through their eyes. It was a fun, memorable and special event,” said senior, Rashad Stevenson from animation.

“It was really nice to see all the incoming freshman that were interested in cheering, and I love getting to spend time with my team whenever I get to,” said senior, Ashleigh Walker from cheer.

The night was a success, and our school presented itself well. Each group was able to recruit new future members to make their club, class, or sport that much more successful.