Obama and Trump – Transition of Power

Mekayla Phan, Yusuf Rahman, and

President Obama and President-elect Donald Trump set aside differences, meeting in the Oval Office for an hour-long discussion about the details of Trump’s transition into power Thursday, November 10.

President Obama, who had major concerns about Trump in the past, calling him “uniquely unqualified” for presidency and not trustworthy to have access to nuclear codes, still remarked that he hopes to “makes things better.”

In the past, Trump has also jabbed at Obama, making numerous accusations about his nationality, claiming that he was “the founder of ISIS”, and that he is the worst president in the history of the United States. He now says that Obama is a “very good man”. He claims that he has a lot of respect for Obama and will seek his counsel in the future. He “looks forward to being with him many more times”.

“My number one priority in the coming two months is to try to facilitate a transition that ensures our president elect is successful,” President Obama says. His goal is to make it easier for Trump to come to power, and to make sure everything runs smoothly.

On Thursday, the two powerful men also discussed foreign policy, domestic policy, and organizational issues in the White House. President Obama and soon-to-be President Trump had what they said was an “excellent” conversation about the details of the job. First Lady Michelle Obama and the soon-to-be First Lady Melania Trump met as well over a cup of tea, to ensure the Trump family feels welcome in the White House.

In history, the transition into presidency is never easy. One of the most strained relationships between president Herbert Hoover and president-elect Franklin D Roosevelt. It was know that Roosevelt adamantly refused to meet with Hoover to discuss important issues. On the other hand, transitions have also been very easy, such as the transition from Bush to Obama. Obama even praised Bush in his inaugural speech, “for his service to our nation, as well as the generosity and co-operation he has shown throughout this transition.”

Though the country may be divided over Trump winning the election, Obama and Trump professionally handled their differences, both having the mutual goal of peace and unity for the future of America.