Well…Well…Well…Mr. Wells

Autumn Fatovich, News Editor

Which Sahuaro teacher is in a band, was in the Air Force, and remembers every students’ zodiac sign?  If you were in his math class, you know very well who we speak of…Mr. Dan Wells, SHS math teacher.

One fun way Mr. Wells spends his time is playing with his band. This all started when fellow-math teacher, Mr. Christian, was remodeling a house and Wells came over to give a helping hand. Mr. Christian started playing his bass,  giving Wells an amazing idea to go home, grab his guitar, and have a jam session. The original band was composed of Christian, Wells, his son, Pat, and another senior. Twist of Fate debuted in  The Battle of the Bands at Sahuaro in January 2005. This created a band that still plays today, although the members have changed.  Twist of Fate is composed of math teacher, Bryan Van Gelder (guitar, bass, vocals); former teacher and current sub, Jim Ganas (Lead guitar, vocals); math teacher, Andy Christian (bass, vocals); former AP and current sub, Abel Ramirez (guitar, vocals); Cross Country and JV Soccer Coach, Pam North (drums); and Dan Wells (guitar, vocals).  They play for mostly faculty events, specializing in country music and classic rock. His favorite piece to play is Freefalling by Tom Petty, but his inspiration is country singers. His favorite artists are The Beatles and Lady Antebellum.

Wells also served in the Air Force. He really enjoyed being stationed in Europe, more specifically Germany during the 80’s and beginning of the 90’s. This was his favorite place to be stationed  because it was “super close to communists.” He loved how there he had important missions, and was keeping our country free. He says he “wanted to try something adventurous and I didn’t want to spend my whole life in one place.”

We cannot forget how he loves teaching difficult math and helping people succeed. He has taught at Sahuaro since the summer of 2002. Wells  got the inspiration for teaching when he was in the Air Force. When serving, he was teaching people how to speak English and he ended up helping tutor his jogging buddy in math. Wells realized he liked teaching math and accepted a job as a math teacher. His favorite part about teaching is, “watching kids come in with baggage and having them leave with no baggage and watching them grow.”

Wells strongly believes that all people are defined by their astrology signs and their moon phases. He first got interested into astrology because he was such a people-person and wanted to know how they “ticked.” He purchased a book from  Bookman’s, absorbing all of his astrological knowledge. “I believe everyone is connected to the stars,” stated Wells. He uses his knowledge and applies it to teaching by asking people their sign so he can better understand his students and what would be the best way to teach them math.