Meet Mrs. Suess: An Intern and Teacher Here At Sahuaro

Yusuf Rahman, Reporter

For the majority of people, one job is more than enough. Most of those people would not be willing to start a new job. However, for Mrs. Suess, simultaneously teaching and doing an internship for her Masters in Educational Leadership is worth the pursuit.

Mrs. Suess has been teaching for 11 years now. This is her first year at Sahuaro as a teacher in the Exceptional Education department. Suess previously taught for seven years at Santa Rita High School, and three years at Ocotillo Ridge Elementary over in Vail. Mrs. Suess is working toward her masters at NAU, which requires that she complete 130 hours of job shadowing Even though she does her shadowing under our principal, Mr. Estrella, she assists with administrative duties throughout the school. After completing her internship and masters degree, she plans on becoming an assistant principal at the high school level.

However, having an internship and a job at the same time is far from easy. “I think the hardest thing about this job is definitely managing and prioritizing everything. You just have so much on your hands and it really is challenging.”

Despite the difficulties she faces, it is a truly rewarding job for her. She has had an amazing experience so far, in both her teaching and her internship. Her favorite thing about Sahuaro is how strong the administration is. She likes that the administration and office take everything very seriously and work together to solve whatever the issue is. She enjoys how positive and tight-knit the Sahuaro community is.