Artist Spotlight: Michael Gilding

Jordon Valenzuela, Reporter

img_8382Michael Gilding, a freshman of the Cougar family, is a remarkable kid with a gift for music and art. He is also diagnosed with ASD, meaning Autism Spectrum Disorder. Having ASD, Michael tends to like repetition. This is a strength in his art (as the artist tends to have a signature subject that he can build upon). Michael’s signature subject would be aviators and airplanes.  As of right now, Michael is working on a portrait series of famous aviators with their planes. 

Artwork by Doug Kinsley, Micheal's Inspiration
Artwork by Doug Kinsley, Michael’s Inspiration

Michael took six years of pottery through Tucson’s Parks and Recreation program and won 5th place in the Tucson Postal History Stamp Design Competition in seventh grade. He was the only competitor who featured airplanes in design. He is currently working on a portrait series of famous aviators with their airplanes. He likes to include the airplane flying in the background of his drawings, making one wonder who is really flying the plane? He is inspired by the works of Doug Kinsley, who is a pilot famous for his detailed pencil sketches of airplanes.  

gildingMichael played the clarinet in Gridley Middle School’s advanced band, receiving superior distinction at the Arizona State Band Festival and the ABODA Band Festival in Arizona.  Michael is currently in Sahauro’s band and is planning to join Marching Band next fall. “Homecoming was such an awesome experience that I wouldn’t change it for the world. I can’t wait for next year’s homecoming.  I know it’s going to be just as great!”

Interested in seeing Michael perform? Go see him live at the Crowder Hall, on Saturday, December 10 at 1 PM with the rest of the band in University of Arizona Outreach Honors Band Program. The concert is free and completely open to the public.

Michael Gilding’s dream is to live in a big city, attend college, and work at a airport or have some type of career that is related to aviation. Michael is destined for greatness.  Perhaps his artwork will cover Sahuaro walls, and his ambition will lead him to working at an airport near you.