New York Bombing Suspect had a Bloody Journal On Him

Samantha Valdez, Reporter

The New York police captured and arrested a possible suspect for the New York and New Jersey bombings, which occurred on September 17. NYPD found a journal that the suspect, Ahmad Khan Rahami, had with him when he was arrested. The journal showed he was a follower of Al Queda as well as the “Islamic State Terror Group.”

Two pages include references to Anwar al-Awlaki, an American-born Muslim who was killed in a 2011 drone strike. The journal also refers to Abu Muhammad al Adnani, an ISIS spokesman who was killed by coalition forces after he told his followers to go back to their towns and kill everyone who did not believe in ISIS. The journal also spoke about getting revenge on the U.S. government for killing Muslim Holy Warriors. In the book, he also wrote that he was worried officials would catch him before he could carry out a suicide attack.

“The sounds of bombs will be heard in the streets,” was what the journal declared. The journal also talked about pipe bombs and pressure cooker bombs, and he stated they could run about a mile on the streets. The last words that were written in the journal were, “Death to your oppression.” The journal appeared to have a hole from a bullet through it, which resulted from the shootout that got him arrested. The suspect had planted bombs in Seaside Park, New Jersey, and in New York City. At least 29 people were wounded in an explosion that happened Saturday night.