Stanford Swimmer Released After Serving Only 3 Months for Rape

Samantha Valdez, Reporters

Twenty year old Brock Turner, a former Stanford swimmer,  was convicted to a six month sentence for raping an intoxicated and unconscious woman.  Judge, Aaron Persky, who sentenced Turner to only six months in jail after a prosecutor pushed for six years, caused chaos and cries of unfairness.  Turner only served 3 months for this rape. Turner’s short sentence triggered outrage against the judge.

Turner was convicted in March under rape of an intoxicated and unconscious person.  The case has undergone national attention after the victim’s heart-breaking impact statement went viral, which was 12 full pages describing her ordeal. Turner’s father referred to his son’s crime as “20 minutes of action.”  The judge stated that because of Turner’s age and no criminal record, he would only have to serve 6 months in jail, although his sentence was cut in half. Turner was banned from the Stanford Campus and because he was also intoxicated, Turner needs to have regular meetings with a probation officer. He must register as a sex offender for life meaning, anyone living within 1,250 feet of Turner’s address will be notified with a postcard. He will not be allowed to live within 1,000 feet of schools or playgrounds, and he will enter a sex offender management program for at least one year or as long as three.

The reason people are frustrated is because they state that the only reason the judge gave Turner six months was because Turner is a white male who was an important athlete to Stanford sports. Judge Aaron Persky was recently removed from a sexual assault trial and it is because prosecutors said they, “lacked confidence” with the judge. Demonstrators chanted, “Hey hey, ho ho, Judge Persky has got to go,” and held signs saying, “Protect survivors, not rapists”, “Hold Persky accountable” and “Because our daughters deserve better.”