StuCo Gets New Adviser

Sidney Moyers, Reporter

“My goal when I took on the position was not to change Student Council, but to continue his (Mr. Kidd’s) mission,” says Robin Depugh,  AP US History teacher and the new Student Council adviser. At the end of last year, Mr. Kidd was offered the opportunity to become a principal at a charter school and he took it, leaving a vacancy for StuCo. Ms. Depugh has been working at Sahuaro for over a decade and loves her job, though now she says it’s becoming a little bit time consuming with her new StuCo responsibilities.

Ms. Depugh says that, “The best part of Sudent Council is the students.” These students are doing their part for Sahuaro through fundraising for the school, creating ideas for spirit week, getting all Cougars involved to make the most of their high school years, and being positive role-models for the rest of the student body. “As far as being the adviser for the students, I’ve got a fabulous group of students that are wonderful leaders so they make my job really easy…”

When asked if she would like to improve anything about Sahuaro, she responded with, “I just want to foster a community sense within our school that regardless of where our students are coming from…we are unified and are here to be involved in our school and to be leaders in our society.”