It’s Graduation Season, Which Means Money, Money, Money!

Cymona Abellard, Reporter

The 2022-2023 school year is quickly ending, with graduations happening back-to-back for the next couple of weeks. This means seniors around the world, whether they are a senior in high school or a senior in college, are starting to stress even more than they already were about the next steps. For high school seniors, the following steps are either going to college, entering the workforce, or joining the military.

Students often postpone going to college for at least a year because of the high cost of college tuition. WalletHub released a report on a survey they put out nationally and the results were worrisome. Many seniors are worried and stressed about money. The survey showed that over 80% of students are either concerned about the economy in general, or inflation itself.

Young adults at this age shouldn’t have to worry too much about the economy, all they need to stress about is saving money and learning how to budget correctly. They also should be doing little things to prepare for adulthood, but they shouldn’t have to think of the entire economy when deciding whether to go get a higher education or not. But unfortunately, “Half of the students say their school is not doing enough to educate them about personal finance.”

There are many things these young adults should be doing, like applying for credit cards to start their credit journey, starting a savings account if they don’t already have one, and applying for as many scholarships as they can if they do plan on attending college because they can save you in the long run. If you are able to get enough scholarships built up, you won’t need to worry about student-loan debt as much.

The WalletHub Survey also revealed that “The number one post-graduation fear among students is student-loan debt.” So receiving scholarships is those students’ best bet.

Overall, seniors around the world are extremely stressed out, but at this point, all they can do is try their best and see where life takes them. Hopefully, that is towards success.