Look to the Future and Hope for the Best: Mr. Lown

Marley Gandee, Associate Editor-In-Chief

Teacher, coach, artist, role model, and so many more words can be used to describe Mr. Lown, a history teacher here at Sahuaro High School. Mr. Lown teaches Government, Economics, and World History, as well as coaching for Sahuaro’s Track Throwing Team. Right now, Mr. Lown drives forty-five minutes to school, and with traffic, it can be an hour and a half to home. Due to this, he will be making the switch to teaching at Pusch Ridge Christian Academy as a US History teacher. Mr. Lown’s favorite subjects to teach are US History and Government because “I like our country, I like what it stands for, and without all of the issues that go on today, our government is actually pretty unique. We started out that way…I love being an American and the government is what holds us all together.” More important than teaching about a country he finds pride in, he finds more pride in the students of Sahuaro. “I really liked watching the kids grow. I mean in the beginning the students are a little crazy, but as the years go on, they mature and grow into their senior year. This group actually started the senior group that we have now…when I started. So actually getting to see them graduate has been nice.” His history department co-worker, Mr. Chandler, said that what the school will miss most is, “His consistency and his professionalism. I mean he’s here on a daily basis, he puts exceedingly effortless time and work with the kids, and Sahuaro will miss that.”

In his four years of teaching at Sahuaro, his favorite thing he has done was coaching throwing for track. Mr. Lown said his favorite part about coaching was, “Getting to meet with the kids and different personalities…it was fun to watch them grow over the last couple years.” Last year he helped thrower Canberra Basham get 12th in the state for shot put.

In his free time, Mr. Lown enjoys patch stitching and making shirts and stickers with his Cricket. He is also in training to become a preacher to help him grow his faith, and coaches football for Flowing Wells High School. Mr. Lown also has a wife, a dog, a guinea pig, and a cat. He doesn’t have kids, “But you know, why have kids when they’re always around…watching everyone grow is kind of an emotional thing.”

Mr. Lown’s parting words for Sahuaro are, “Good luck.  Everybody needs luck. Look to the future and hope for the best.” Mr. Lown, on behalf of Sahuaro, The Paper Cut wishes you the best of luck in your future teaching endeavors, and we hope you find just as much joy at Pusch Ridge as you have found here at Sahuaro.