French Exchange Students Visit Sahuaro

Marley Gandee, Associate Editor-In-Chief

Being an exchange student is an experience that not many get, and for those who do, coming to another country is scary. 5,758 miles away from home in Annecy, France, Carla Fox and Emma Duckett came to Sahuaro High School to see what another country is like, and how other families live. Through their Euro(English) Class, they were able to visit our school along with two other of their classmates. The remainder of their class stayed in Phoenix, and other classes in their school went to different states. They are staying with host families who have students in Madame Kelly’s French Class. This way, Sahuaro students get to learn about life in France from a student their own age, and the exchange students get an immersive experience from someone who has basic knowledge of French.

One of the main differences Carla and Emma have noticed from France to America is the weather change. Annecy is in the Alps region of France, so it is a lot colder, with different terrain. French schools also have different school schedules, so students go from 8 to 5, with a two-hour lunch period in between, and their classes change based on the day. Emma also mentioned the difference in student-teacher relationships, “In France, it’s more a professional relationship. Here it’s more like, ‘Look I’m the teacher, you’re the students, let’s get comfortable with each other.'” The classwork is also much much harder.

Students’ hobbies in France are much like those of American students. Emma enjoys art, photography, and modern dance, and Carla likes to run track and play tennis. Sports in France however, are not run through the school. If a student wants to play a sport they have to find a club to play with. The new food has also been an interesting experience for them. They have enjoyed most things that they have tried, especially the “Classic American Burger”.

So far, Carla and Emma are enjoying being exchange students in Tucson. Carla said, “I like it, I maybe could live a whole year, maybe because of the climate and stuff, because it’s like really dry.” They would both want to stay for only a year because as Emma explained, “For holidays it’s just very nice because you get to see something new.”