Choir From a Student’s Perspective

Cymona Abellard, Reporter

Choir class is one of several Fine Arts options here at Sahuaro. Whether you are an interested freshman or a junior going into their senior year soon, Choir is an option for you. Inside the “choir” category, there are 3 options of classes you can take, all taught by Ms. Barnes. The 3 options are boys and girls beginning, boys and girls advanced, and an all-girls choir also known as the choraliers. Unfortunately, there isn’t an all-boys choir yet, but they are working on it.

Louraine Bouraima is a senior and is an alto (lower female voice) in the beginning choir. She started freshman year as a beginner as well, but then because of Covid, she decided not to take choir sophomore and junior years, but then when it was put back on her schedule this year, she was excited to jump back into it.

Being a part of the choir means you have performances every quarter, you are given the opportunity to audition for outside activities such as the regional choir and solo ensembles, and you get to sing with a group of people every day to practice and build your voice. Louraine said, “I really do enjoy it, I think it’s a fun and cool class with amazing people and an amazing teacher. I’m really grateful to be in that class because it got me a lot of kind and fun friends.”

If you are interested in seeing what the choir at our school is all about, you can go to their next performance and watch what they have been working on. The concert is on April 18th, at Palo Verde High School, with all of the other beginning choirs in our school district. Then if you decide that you may want to join, you can talk to any of the students or Ms. Barnes and get more information about the class and then possibly request it on your schedule next year.

When asked if Louraine recommends choir to other students, she said, “I may be biased, but I genuinely recommend it over any other elective if you enjoy singing because it’s a truly fun and easygoing fine arts class.”

Make sure to check out their next performance in April even if joining the choir isn’t for you because everyone should experience their hard work and great voices.