Stanford’s Hate Crimes

Taelyn Nordbrock, Reporter

The law school of Stanford University in California is undergoing investigations into hate crimes. However, the one that has brought the most attention was a drawing that was pinned outside a Jewish boy’s door room on Friday, March 10th.  This drawing shows multiple swastikas and an image that seems to be modified to resemble Adolf Hitler.  It is being investigated as a possible intimidation to the kid that lives in the dorm. There have been several reports of other hate speeches and drawings on campus in the last couple of weeks that have been racist and antisemitic.

As well as that incident. there have many other hate speeches or crimes coming forward on the Stanford campus. In the men’s restroom,  swastikas were scratched into metal panels as well as the letters “KKK” and the N-word. Stanford has sorted out the investigation that those hate crimes are not related to the biggest and most recent ones. Stanford says that  “purposely intimidating and threatening people based on protected identities is antithetical to Stanford’s values”.  The perpetrators can receive legal or disciplinary action. Many of the school’s staff are reaching out saying they can go to them for support if someone is committing a hate crime against them.  The school’s Office of Religious and Spiritual life and Hillel came out to say that they would be support systems for students.

Hate crimes are on the rise in the USA, whether they’re against LGBTQ+, People of Color, or are antisemitic.  In just antisemitic hate crimes there were 850 plus just last year, which more than doubled the 352 that happened in 2021. There has been a 38% increase in hate crimes last year compared to 2021.  Earlier this year, in nearby San Francisco,  a replica gun was fired several times inside a synagogue,  shootings two Jewish men as they were leaving a synagogue in Los Angeles.