Daniel Adriano’s Small Buisness

Natalya Larez, Cougar Tales Editor

Daniel Adriano, Sahuaro senior, has already created his first small business! The business is called Polar Monkey, specializing in customizing different items, including slims, can coolers, tumblers, and more.  “The lack of creativity when growing up got me started in this business. Especially nowadays, I saw it even in myself, and a few other people as well. The feeling of creating something personal to you or for another person can be something special or rewarding or uplifting.” When he gets to create these orders, he’s creating something truly personalized to someone that will bring joy to people’s faces.

“Polar Monkey’s goal is to bring the creative and ingenuity side of a person; your imagination is your potential.” Throughout the entire business, he hasn’t found any negatives. He makes a little bit of profit, and still gets to show his creativity, as well as helping your creativity spark! He would be interested in expanding the business in the future, but if he ever did, it would be with partners who truly love the job, just like him. After high school, he plans to attend the Universal Technical Institute (UTI) and gain a degree in mechanic engineering.


Prices vary between students and adults:


  • For students:
  • Slims – $18.00
  • Can Coolers – $18.00
  • Tumblers – $20.00
  • Thermos – $25.00


  • For adults:
  • Slims – $20.00
  • Can Coolers – $20.00
  • Tumblers – $25.00
  • Thermos – $30.00

To order, email [email protected]!