And That’s A Wrap! Nevaeh Conrad

Neela Luna, Reporter

Just like that, Nevaeh’s high school years are finally coming to an end. Nevaeh is an extremely hard worker. After graduation, she wants to continue to work and attend the U of A to study astronomy. 10 years from now she sees herself as an astronomer and most definitely not in Tucson. Nevaeh has been a Sahuaro Cougar all four years, and she says her favorite memory is her first Sahuaro vs Sabino football game. “It was so much fun and I loved cheering at that game.” She would like to tell the upcoming seniors to have fun and make the most of their last year in high school.  She would also like to give upcoming freshmen some advice, “Don’t slack off, and genuinely do the work”, or else your GPA will not be what you want it to be.

She says the biggest lesson high school has taught her was to be herself. Don’t try and fit in with the people around you, “There’s always someone or a group of people that will like you for who you are.” She believes that is something everyone should think about, and just be themselves. She came to Sahuaro with no friends and excepting the worst out of it, but then she met her best friends that she has to this day. Nevaeh is also Sahuaro Varsity Cheer Captain, and one memory that will forever be her favorite is the last competition they had last year, “We did so good and our team last year was just one huge family, it was the best.” 

Nevaeh’s biggest influence is her mom and her older sister, she says they work so hard for everything. She looks up to her mom especially, “She always puts my needs first no matter what.” She has the most love for them and appreciates them with everything she has. “I love them so much and I don’t know where I would be without them.” With these being her last few months she is going to continue to have fun and enjoy what time as a teen she has left, then the real world starts. Congratulations Nevaeh, we can’t wait to see where you go next.