Heading Out, Ready to Come Back: Lia Ghirardi

Marley Gandee, Associate Editor-In-Chief

Four long years are coming to a close for the seniors of Sahuaro. Among one of those seniors is Lia Ghirardi. In her four years here, she has enjoyed playing on the soccer team, working on The Paper Cut crew as Editor-In-Chief (for two years!), participating in Student Council, and is the president of the Varisty Club. She loves crystals, cars, writing, cooking, charcuterie boards, sage green, sunsets, her room, and her favorite phrase, “goodnight”. After high school she plans to go to the University of Arizona to study Political Sciences and Journalism, then come back to Sahuaro to

 teach history and run The Paper Cut.

Lia has been the president of Varsity Club for 3 years. Varsity Club was a club that died out, and Lia brought  back. It fundraises using Sahuaro merch to provide in-school scholarships for students that need help paying for yearbooks, sports fees, or any other expense that is within the school. She is Senior Class Treasurer, so she organizes the finances for the senior class and runs fundraisers for them. One of her favorite parts about being on Student Council is helping plan and run the pep rallies! As for The Paper Cut, she started her sophomore year as a reporter, then become an editor. She became Editor-In-Chief her junior year, and has stayed in that position ever since.


Lia’s favorite memory from Sahuaro was senior night for soccer. “It was very very special, the underclassmen on the team ran it, and us seniors hung out in the locker room and waited until we could come out. All the stands were decorated, we had posters everywhere, they did gift baskets… they made it feel really special, and getting to walk with my family was really fun. Even though we lost it was a really fun and emotional experience.” Lia plays goalie, and after taking her junior year off of soccer, she came back onto the team to participate in a so-far 7-4 season with a game still left.

Lia left a little token for the underclassmen of Sahuaro,”Stay on track early, don’t procrastinate, hold yourself  to high educational standards. Falling behind is one of the worst feelings ever… don’t bite off more than you can chew, and if you put a lot on your plate you will get burnt out and stressed out… starting early with being productive and not falling behind in school and everything, it just sets you up for success for the next four years.”