Intrested In Travel? Try WWOOFing!

Natalya Larez, Cougar Tales Editor

What are your plans for after graduation? Do you plan on simply working, going to college, or even traveling? For many people considering travel, the cost of it can be stressful. Depending on how long you want to travel, food, distances, and hotels can easily rack up to be thousands of dollars per trip! However, with a WWOOFing program, those costs could easily be minimized.

World Wide Opportunities On Organic Farms (or WWOOF), is a volunteering opportunity for travelers that was started in 1971, and is great if you’re looking to save a little bit of money. This program takes place in over 60 countries, including all over Europe, South America, and the United States; it gives people the opportunity to spend time on organic farms, in different communities, and learn how to make several different types of goods. In return for 4-6 hours of work per day, volunteers get a free stay and meals wherever they’re visiting. When they’re not working, they are free to go out, explore, and have fun! WWOOFing is a non-monetary exchange. No one is handed money, rather you’re getting something in return for your services.

The typical age to begin is 18, however minors under 18 can go, if accompanied by a legal guardian. All you have to do is look online for WWOOFing opportunities in the country of your choice, and apply for membership! WWOOFing is available in over 60 countries so far, and the opportunities keep growing. Once you have applied for membership, you gain access to that country’s list of smallholdings, gardens and organic farms.

WWOOFing gives you the chance to learn all about organic farming and do real, physical work. Among the things you will discover while WWOOFing are making wine, beekeeping, creating straw houses, growing vegetables, and more. You can read about these things in school and online, but there is nothing quite like getting down and dirty and being in a real farm, and that is what you get here.”

WWOOFing is a fantastic option for traveling on a budget, and a very popular one at that! You get to travel for much cheaper, and learn valuable skills. What’s not to love?