North Carolina Power Outages

Taelyn Nordbrock, Reporter

On Saturday, December 3rd, North Carolina lost power to over 40,000 citizens. When the utility crews started showing up at the various sites, they realized this wasn’t just an accident. This was a targeted attack, and whoever did it knew what they were doing. Two of the stations had rounds of bullets shot into them, and many others showed signs of potential vandalism to the equipment. Police have set a mandatory curfew from 9 pm to 5 am to ensure businesses and residents stay safe. The FBI has joined the investigation to help. They don’t know if it was domestic terrorism or not, but no group has owned up for their actions. “More than 33,000 customers were still in the dark across the county Sunday evening, the Duke Energy outage map showed. For some, the outage may stretch into Thursday, officials said, upending life for tens of thousands.”

Many citizens are suffering from this power outage in many different ways. People with health issues who need power for equipment to work are struggling. Many businesses have been closed, which causes employees to be unable to get paid. Schools are being closed until Thursday, December 8th. If residents don’t have generators, they have to leave their houses to charge their devices and get hot food. The owner of Whispering Pines Prescription Shoppe, Rob Barrett, is storing his medications for people in his home; he’s getting electricity from a generator. Rob’s doing this to make sure his customers are still getting the medications they need.  As this investigation continued on Wednesday, December 7th in South Carolina there were reports of shots fired near a power station in Ridgeway.