Dirtest Man Refused Help and Died at 94

Taelyn Nordbrock, Reporter

An Iranian man known as “the world’s dirtiest man” or as those around him know him, Amou Haji.  Haji went 67 years. without showering, bathing, and brushing his teeth. The villagers around him tried to help him bathe many times, however, he refused every time for fear of getting sick, including one time, when they tried to take him to the river and bathe him. He jumped out of the car, escaped, and ran away to ensure he did not get bathed. They started to accept that he was not wanting to be bathed with his condition of being afraid of water, thinking that it would make him sick. His wanting to not shower was not just for getting sick and the fear of going ill. Some of the villagers said it was also because he went through some emotional setbacks while he was young, which caused his refusal of cleaning himself.

From the very beginning, he also refused to eat fresh food and for decades ate rotten meats, especially porcupines. Haji said he didn’t like home-cooked meals. He was caught smoking many cigarettes at once; in a lot of pictures you can see him smoking 4 cigarettes at once and the villagers give him these cigarettes. If he is not smoking actual tobacco, he will smoke dried animals. He wished he didn’t live alone, and he lived in holes in the desert right outside of the village. He was covered in soot. Haji had no wife or kids, however he wished he had a partner. Amou has a documentary about him called “The Strange Life of Amou Haji”. The villagers successfully gave him a wash a few months ago, He ultimately gave in, and “for the first time a few months ago, villagers had taken him to a bathroom to wash,” Iran’s IRNA news agency reported, according to The Telegraph. “Not long after, he fell ill and finally, on Sunday… he gave up his life.” Haji died October 23 at 94 years old and his funeral was held on Tuesday, October 25th, 2022.